I ask this question;  What’s more important, the Constitution or the Flag? I don’t care if you agree or disagree with the kneeling during the National Anthem. What’s UnAmerican is telling people to leave the country or calling them disrespectful due to them exercising their rights given to them by the Constitution.. You know the Constitution and the Rights that our Military fight to defend…. Also if you  were one of the people saying “Why are people offended over The Confederate Flag and Statues” but you are the same person who are offended by those kneeling during the National Anthem. You are part of the problem and I’m going to need you to go back to History class and study the Civil War and The US Government.

Furthermore, do not speak for all military vets. Many have said they either agree or disagree with the kneeling during the Anthem but it’s the people’s right that they fought to protect. Duwan Tate a Veteran writes, “America stop invoking patriotism as a mechanism for silence, citing disrespect to the military.  I learned while serving, 99% of people including military members are not (patriotic).  Don’t believe me, ask  10 friends to quit their jobs, put on a uniform, take up arms and go to war knowing they might not come back, and do this for the country.  Most people join the military for 4 reasons: job stability, college tuition, a trade, and the judge. Not cause they are willing to die for this land/flag and what those symbols are supposed to represent.  At the end of the day I was willing and ready to die for my brother and sister who fought to the left and right of me.  We are the true warriors, we are the real 1% and I went to war so that Kap can kneel and unfortunately so racist bigots can march.”

Supporting  any President, Congressman or Congresswoman encouraging private entities to hire or fire employees is against the law and punishable of up to 15 years of jail time. So my point is be careful of who you are saying is UnAmerican because the one who is UnAmerican most likely is YOU.

18 U.S. Code § 227 – Wrongfully influencing a private entity’s employment decisions by a Member of Congress or an officer or employee of the legislative or executive branch
US Code
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(a) Whoever, being a covered government person, with the intent to influence, solely on the basis of partisan political affiliation, an employment decision or employment practice of any private entity—
(2) influences, or offers or threatens to influence, the official act of another,
shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for not more than 15 years, or both, and may be disqualified from holding any office of honor, trust, or profit under the United States.
(b) In this section, the term “covered government person” means—
(3) the President, Vice President, an employee of the United States Postal Service or the Postal Regulatory Commission, or any other executive branch employee (as such term is defined under section 2105 of title 5, United States Code).

I leave by saying throughout history boycotts and peaceful protests were seen as disrespectful and unfavorable. The United States of America was started by the protest known as The Boston Tea Party. All I want is for people to understand that the Constitution is the law of the land and we should be thankful our Freedom of Speech and Expression are protected but the Constitution. If we lived in a country where we didn’t have freedom to expression ourselves then we would be leaving in a country much like North Korea.




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Vid Lamonte’ Buggs Jr is the author of You Ain’t Hungry Until I’m Starving and Vid’s Viddles. Copyright© 2017 http://www.vidbuggs.com.